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Diversional Therapist From Queensland, Australia

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Solange 19th Oct 2019 Diversional Therapist


Hi Bronagh, you're doing the right things. You may add magazines, books, and films in Spanish borrowed from your local library. You could also try to find a Spanish volunteer via your local church community board. ro pay her a visit weekly or fortnightly. Another idea is to contact Spanish Clubs or Spanish Dancing Schools to have a 'Flamengo Night' event.
Solange 17th Oct 2019 Diversional Therapist


Hi Patricia, yes, it is not easy to motivate/attract residents living with dementia to structured activities. You can pretend it is not structured. For instance, try purchasing some long handle plastic Fly Swatters; give them to 5 or 6 residents and trow a balloon in their midst; this is an activity that rarely fails. They enjoy bouncing the balloon. Another one is sitting a group of residents around a table and placing lengths of different textures of fabric in their reach. They enjoy running their fingers into velvet, silk, wool, cotton, curtain and carpet fabric. Of course, some residents will fold a few under their arms and walk away! But if you have enough fabric there will be enough for others to join in. Also, take a look at this link; some foods for thought there.
Solange 13th Oct 2019 Diversional Therapist


Hi, Katie, you are doing a wonderful job. How wise of you to have a survey. Here is one tip to further volunteers’ duties/responsibilities; make them acquainted with residents’ profiles to find out what hobbies/interests, and travel/job experiences they had. Explain to the volunteer as to the ‘why’ this role is so important to residents (e.g. to affirm a life well-lived, to lend an ear, to lift the ‘blues’, and how they can use their experience and time to make a difference.) Volunteers can then prepare interesting 1:1 visits to talk about subjects of each individual’s passion/concerns. Your part in helping the volunteer to visualize the relevance of the activity can create enthusiastic compliance and further their feelings of being part of the team. Good luck and congratulations!
Solange 11th Oct 2019 Diversional Therapist

How to Cook Magic Scones

Hi Angelica, double cream is a very rich cream with 48% fat, making it the most versatile. I have heard that you can mix Greek yogurt and milk - half and half - as a good alternative.
Solange 4th Oct 2019 Diversional Therapist


Hi Susan, you're doing a good job. To add to it you could try radio plays - drama or comedy; they are very entertaining. A volunteer could visit weekly to talk and read trivia/short stories. High function residents could also visit for a chat and a cuppa. She also may enjoy feeling cooperative; ask her to unravel a sweater to recycle the wool. Another idea is finding out her favourite foods/treats and offering it to her occasionally.
Solange 26th Sep 2019 Diversional Therapist


Hi Robin, there are some very enjoyable and simple activities that a volunteer or a residents' relative can easily lead when staff is on leave. For instance 'Thanksgiving Game' or 'Thanksgiving Bingo'. They are also two 'Thanksgiving Dinner' games that I believe are suitable. Here are the links.
Solange 26th Sep 2019 Diversional Therapist

Modified Beer Pong

Hi Sara, excellent adaptation, congratulations and thank you for sharing.
Solange 24th Sep 2019 Diversional Therapist


Hi Susan, you're doing a good job. To add t it could try radio plays - drama or comedy; they are very entertaining. A volunteer could visit weekly to talk and read trivia/short stories. High function residents could also visit for a chat and a cuppa. She also may enjoy feeling cooperative; ask her to unravel a sweater to recycle the wool. Another idea is finding out her favourite foods/treats and offering it to her occasionally.
Solange 17th Sep 2019 Diversional Therapist

13 Ways to Include Math In Your Activity Calendar

Thank you, Gwen and Rosemary, for sharing.
Solange 17th Sep 2019 Diversional Therapist

The Importance of Documentation for Activity Directors

Hi Nina and Leticia, what subject/theme are you considering for the Q & A?