Member Profile:


Registered nurse From Victoria, Australia

2 Comment

christiane 13th Nov 2014 Registered nurse


I hope those information will help
Refer to initial admission paper work
Medical condition
Physical capability
Cognitive /behavioural aspect. (PAS conducted by nursing staff)
Physical environment
Social factors
Personal details /hobbies/culture/involve family

Charasteristic or system
Refer to ACFI assessment completed by PCA andR/N during 28days assessments they will guide you on AdL,needs and complex care needs
christiane 2nd Aug 2014 Registered nurse

10 Spiritual Activities for people with Alzheimer's Disease

I am not the activity person but since I have subscribed to golden carers I have been able as an RN to assist the staff in the facility to understand the importance of the role of the activity person in
introducing at clinical meeting some simple activities they can implement when attending to their residents .their attitude has changed and the communication between staff and the activity person is more positive .It has also have a great outcome for the loners .I am so grateful to all the comments and ideas sharing .It has also encourage two staffs to sign for a certificate iv in leisure and activity
