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diversional therapist From New South Wales, Australia

3 Comment

carmen 1st Mar 2016 diversional therapist


Hi! I know this is very delayed but we recently revamped our orientation program. It is across the board for new staff and each department manager needs to orientate to all staff so we are all aware of different departments and how they all work together. In saying that some stuff is N/A so that's what we put when necessary. For my staff in particular I always start with the newsletter and program. This gives them a starting point and helps them structure their day. We have the basics like mandatory reporting, infection control etc - however this is linked with their orientation training done a previous day. Our QM takes care of our new staff for the orientation for the first few days and we jump in when necessary. If you need more info just let me know :)
carmen 1st Mar 2016 diversional therapist


Hi I was wondering what everyone does to celebrate Seniors Week? In the past we have not celebrated it - I would love to do something special this year for them. (Apart from organising a bus trip to events in our community). Thank you in advanced!
carmen 30th Dec 2014 diversional therapist


Hi All,

Just wondering if anyone knew a good place to do their cert IV in leisure and lifestyle (apart from tafe)? I have received feedback that the tafe course is more nursing based (very similar to the Cert IV in aged care) and people have not found it educational in terms of leisure and lifestyle. Thank you in advanced!