Thank you for the suggestions. I will let the staff know to place them inside the room for privacy. I have also suggested that we use the boards as a way of celebrating birthdays and anniversaries, with a little extra signage and such on those special event days. Regards Donna
Hi, been asked about whether it was suitable to put up a display board outside the door to the residents room, with special photos, their age, maybe where they were born etc. It is a way to celebrate special days etc, such as letting staff and other residents know it may be a wedding anniversary. It is also meant to give staff (especially casual staff who have not meet the resident before) to have some understanding of the person. However, is there perhaps too much info, since it is outside the door? Should we keep them inside the bedroom for privacy? Thanks
Hi Verna. the fiddle mats I have seen and used are lap blanket size or smaller. The best ones I found were those that draped over the arms of a chair, it kept the mat basically infront of the person. Those that can sit without a wheel chair, I put the mat onto a table and sat them there. Some of the nurses made ours, the possibilities are endless, especially if you have a quilter or crafty person in your midst who has a good imagination. Good luck.
Thank you very much to Golden Carers for creating such an informative website. You have assisted me and my colleagues in developing a fun and engaging activities programme that is meaningful and interesting for our Bristol Care Homes residents. You are also our plan B in the event that plan A does not go as planned. We strongly advise all activity workers to join you.
Marcia Ellington Activities Manager United Kingdom