We had a show Day last year at Larrakia Nation , our clients planned the day . In the lead up we had craft days , painted signs , tin cans for playing knock en downs with a tennis balls, hula hoop competitions , balls throwing etc . A photo booth was set up , lots of great photos. Guess the amount of salty plums was a great hit . Local businesses donated goodies for sample bags . The staff all dressed up , fantastic day and we will do it again this year . So much fun
Hi , i am wondering if anyone has bingo cards ( 1-90 ) ,15 numbers per card .Some of clients are finding it difficuilt to see the numbers on normal bingo sheets and not all the clients want larger cards Thankyou in advance
Hi , i am wondering if anyone has large print bingo cards ( 1-90 ) ,15 numbers per card .Some of clients are finding it difficuilt to see the numbers on normal bingo sheets and not all the clients want larger cards Thankyou in advance
Looking for suggestions , we have a gentleman in the Memory support section with challeging behavours . Going into the fridge ( have placed safety locks , no entry and stop signs to no success ) , he pulls door handles off the doors .He was a electrician before retirement . Staff escort him on afternoon walks , 1:1 activities .
Looking for suggestions to put together boxes of resources for activites in preparation for Cyclone season . The boxes will be distrubuted in the cyclone shelters in the facility