Hi, I get the residents to make the pompoms and then we make them into either spiders with hats or lil people. I found at my local Spotlight Store that I can buy hats, google eyes (the bigger the better, depending on what size the pompom), glasses and also some pipe cleaners. The spider, When you have made the pompom leave enough wool so you can make a loop so you can hang them, I use 4 pipe cleaners, threaded through the bottom of the pompom, bend them so they look like legs, glue the eyes on and top hat. The lil people, trace some feet onto cardboard and cover with felt (I use black) then glue your pompom on, to decorate glue eyes, hat and place a pair of glasses over the eyes, depending on what colour the pompom is as to what hat I put on, either a top hat or a ladies hat. Thanks for an easier way of making pompoms, which I forgot about Ellie
I really love your website. I still find it incredulous that this site exists. I know how hard it must be for our Lifestyle teams to keep coming up with ideas and activities and to now have found this site - WOW. I really do think it says a lot about the immense value of community collaboration - because this site is about that! so I am immensely proud that people, especially older people, may be benefitting from this wonderful resource all over the world.
How to Make Pom-Poms
The spider, When you have made the pompom leave enough wool so you can make a loop so you can hang them, I use 4 pipe cleaners, threaded through the bottom of the pompom, bend them so they look like legs, glue the eyes on and top hat.
The lil people, trace some feet onto cardboard and cover with felt (I use black) then glue your pompom on, to decorate glue eyes, hat and place a pair of glasses over the eyes, depending on what colour the pompom is as to what hat I put on, either a top hat or a ladies hat. Thanks for an easier way of making pompoms, which I forgot about