Hi Mary, I have tried seated dancing, you can buy DVD or there are other printed material out there but I go for the easy option and having fun. I also use the circle and the kicking of balls to each other, the balls can also be past around the circle, bounced to each other, more than one ball and balls of different sizes, great fun to music with stopping and starting. A parachute or an octopus-band is good for the upper body and lots of fun. You can try to keep balls up in the air or you can do exercises by pulling the octopus arms either with arms or seated and using their legs.
20th Jan 2015
Management Committee Secretary
Hi Fiona, I have done armchair travel a few times. I asked a volunteer to be the guest speaker, we had photo presentations (one I did as the speaker was unable, they gave me the photos on a USB and I put it together, the other the guest did). Morning tea and lunch were themed with the place of interest. Decorations, flags, examples of dress code, music etc all added to the day. Noreen
20th Jan 2015
Management Committee Secretary
Hi Jo-Anne, A few years ago I did a bucket list with our centre-based-day-care group. It was very interesting - there were no restrictions and after each had given their list we tried to achieve one of the achievable for each person- mainly in a group session. eg. Visit somewhere special we planned an outing to this situation and not only did the person enjoy their special outing they did it in the company of their friends. For one lady I applied for funding to achieve her special treat, she was short listed but unfortunately missed out on the funding. It is great fun and interesting to listen to what some of our special friends would like to achieve in their life time. One 88yr old lady wanted to muster cattle in a helicopter!! Good luck, Noreen
12th Dec 2014
Management Committee Secretary
Thank you for the resources provided on Golden Carers. I found them immensely valuable, relevant and worthwhile. Educational and updated information provided. Great activity ideas and suggestions. The activities presented are appropriate and can be adapted to different client groups in any English speaking country. It is easy to read and understand the instructions and explanations.
Marilyn Willock-James Activity Officer United Kingdom
Magazine Scavenger Hunt