Hi Michelle, how did you find doing the course online ? Im going through tafe it was once a week now its once a fortnight, I start in the industry on Monday and struggling to get assignments done as there are no work books to go off, its all pretty much google for me...did you get work books ?
Hi could any one please help with this question ? name two constraints/challenges which may impact on the delivery of leisure and health programs in the work place, describe how these constraints could be addressed and their potential and/or actual impact can be minimised... cheers Terese
Hi Everyone, I am currently studying cert IV Leisure and Health, I was wondering if someone couple help answer these questions or set me in the right direction ? Name three procedures you would follow to assess a client with complex needs to enable the client to participate in their chosen activity ? Name four characteristic's, issues or systems that determine a complex need. Cheers Terese
I just find Golden Carers fantastic. You are so up to date with the material you provide us with. Thank you so much for your efficiency and for all you teach us. Keep up the good work!