20 Acts of Kindness to Bestow Upon Your Residents

20 Acts of Kindness to Bestow Upon Your Residents
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DT National Diversional Therapist

Kindness is a virtue.

Brilliant activity ideas will make the residents and team members happy.

Big thanks 😊

Evangeline avatar

We absolutely love this idea - we did this activity a few years ago, 'Random Acts of Kindness' using bright colored envelopes that are numbered and then pinned up onto noticeboard and a staff member would pick out a number for an envelope and in there would be 'an act of kindness' to do for a resident of their choice or another staff member.

Talita avatar

I love this idea Evangeline! Thank you so much for your feedback and support!

Lorena avatar

I like this ,

I did so far five acts of kindness.

And working on finishing the list.