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Recreation Therapist And Writer

5 Ways to Honor Residents by Validating Their Past

5 Ways to Honor Residents by Validating Their Past
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Greg avatar
Greg Engagement Director - Arbor Terrace at Hamilton Mill

Here are some ways I honor my resident's life stories.

I do this by coordinating and doing reminiscing activities often - such as 'Memories & Mimosas', 'Housewives Tales or Truths', 'Let's Bake' (and baking recipes provided by the residents), reading and remembering original 'Mother Goose' stories, asking specific questions about their parents and siblings and growing up, and other fun childhood-specific games like 'School Days' discussion questions and other similarly styled games.

--Lauren Yntema

Engagement Coordinator

Atlanta, GA

Owen avatar

I could not agree more with the comments and suggestions. I found this in my case and I am now involved in many of the ideas to make me feel part of the residential gathering like saying grace before the meal, leading discussions, helping with ideas for the programme from Golden Carers which has lots of ideas, some of which I have even contributed. And as a keen photographer and former press journalist I enjoy taking pictures of the group's activities for our end of year pictorial record.

All this for my integration into to fold and personal satisfaction as well as enjoyment.


Solange avatar

Hi Owen, I hope you know you are an asset to your facility. You remind me of a quote: "There are two ways of spreading light - to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it." Bless you!

Sharon avatar

Hello, I use Validation Techniques for Dementia care. Author/Founder Naomi Feil. Sharon Stojak USA

Haley avatar
Haley Recreation Therapist And Writer

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