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Activity Professional & Writer

8 Creative Group Activities for Seniors

8 Creative Group Activities for Seniors
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Susan avatar

I think creative activities are great for seniors because it helps keep their mind sharp

I used to do many creative activities with our residents I also had some of my staff run the activities but they were not for every staff member

The first activity I did was something called a picture is worth a thousand words

I showed the residents a picture with a lot going on

Then I asked the residents to tell me about certain aspects of the picture

The next step was for me or another resident to make the statements into a story

I printed the story out and put it in a notebook with the picture

That way the residents could look at the story periodically

I also had story starters that the residents could finish

Another idea is to do mad libs where the residents told the leader certain words without seeing the story. Then you fill in the words that they told you

It can be pretty funny and good for a laugh

I also did poetry such as limericks, haiku or just creating a poem for the season or for special topics

I also like to do Mandala art

Higher functioning residents could create a Mandate

Others could just color them in

We also took some popular songs and changed the words to make new songs

I was able to adapt and modify these activities for almost any type of resident

As I mentioned earlier I like putting these creative endeavors in a notebook so the residents good view them periodically

If you need help with any of these ideas, let me know

Talita avatar

Thanks for sharing Susan, these are fabulous ideas!

Mia  avatar

I love these thank you so much for sharing!!! ♥

Mike avatar

We have conducted Mini-Relay For Life Fundraiser for American Cancer Society over the past four years and our Members raised a total just over $17,000! We have an indoor walking track (100 feet oval track) and Members "Walk Walker & Roll" for a week, Attached article from local newspaper. Great idea for Staff, Members and their Families to pull together. Some Members haven't been able to do something for someone else for years...

Mini Relay For Life gets seniors 'walkering, wheeling' for cancer cause

Solange avatar

Hi Mike, I am very impressed! Fantastic community activity with fantastic results. Congratulations! Thanks for sharing.

Molly avatar
Molly Activity Professional & Writer

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