
Bruce  avatar

Hi I am looking for a DT course in the SE suburbs of Melbourne does anyone know of a good training group that they would recommend?

Thanks in advance

Talita avatar

Hi Bruce,

I really can't help with this one at all and I'm not sure what level of study you're looking for... my only suggestion would be to google search a few different related terms including aged care courses (I know there is a cert III available), leisure and health courses (cert IV and a diploma available) etc.

Hope this helps. Good luck!

Erin avatar

I recommend skills training,they are accredited by diversional therapy Australia

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Pam Erskine
Activity Coordinator Canada Flag
Pam Erskine

We just got a "tablet" for our Activities group and we love having Golden Cares downloaded on it! It saves so much on photocopies and continues to make our day better:) Thank you!