
Garden View Aged Care avatar

I am having a hard time finding decent performers to come to our centre for singing and other activities we usually book for a hour but mostly the ones we have had come over the last few years haven't been able to get our residents toes tapping, sadly the last few have left our residents with their fingers in their ears. Thank you for all your wonderful ideas. Leanne RAO

Talita avatar

Oh I'm sorry to hear that Leanne. Glad you're enjoying the website though. Where are you located? Perhaps other members from the same city may have some recommendations for entertainers.

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Tracey Kelleher
Volunteer Australia Flag
Tracey Kelleher

Golden Carers has made creating our monthly rosters so much easier with fantastic ideas, games and quizzes to keep my Day Club members entertained and the brain ticking over. Thank you, the membership fee even for our small volunteer group is money well spent. :)