
Darlene avatar

Hi all, I work in a long term care facility. We are looking for ideas for starting intergenerational programs and activities to get more youth into our facility. Any one have any ideas?

Susan avatar

Hi Darlene

Start by contacting all the public schools in the area and ask if they're interested know maybe they can come once or twice

You could contact some nursery school sometime down children may come out

Next you can contact the churches they have youth group and they might be interested also

You could also contact scout groups they may want to come up because the children have to badges

You may start by doing A penpal activity or with this day and age you could do a Facebook or face time or Skype as long as you have a big screen TV that everyone could see

I hope this helps


Maranda avatar


An organization from Toronto is in the process of creating a beginners instructional guide of sorts for Intergenerational Programs, it is called SKIP-in-a-Box. Perhaps take a look!

Their website has some great ideas as well!

Cynthia avatar

we have or local pre school come in once a week they read, paint or play with play doh with the residents they also come and put on little concerts which the residents love

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Nicole Pike
Adult Day Centre Program Coordinator Canada Flag
Nicole Pike

This site is amazing! I'm not sure how I survived before I was introduced to this! Something for every occasion! So many ways for the clients to reminisce and learn about new things. Well worth the membership fee. Thank you!