
Maria avatar

Hello, Does anyone block off calendar time for Assessment Interviews? I was thinking about blocking off some time on our calendar (maybe 45 minutes every other day) for resident interviews, but don't really want to call it "One on Ones." Does anyone have a better suggestion for a name?

Solange avatar

Hi Maria, in my experience it was done as ‘One on One’ time with the resident/relatives when we would hand down an assessment questionnaire to be answered. Most of the time they took the questionnaire home to answer and we would instead, have a chat about their expectations, collaboration, strengths and needs of client. I guess you could block off time and call it ‘Assessment Interview’. Let us know how you go.

Ema avatar

The home I work in, when the residents come in the family fill in an overview history of the person. I don't usually do an assessment as such but more a con cessation in getting to know them. There is so much that the I learn from contact with them. I suppose it is different to each coordinator what works for one does not work for another. Keep us updated though

Chris  avatar

I use pop in visits or relaxation time on my calendars. It gives my assistant and I time to get caught up on paperwork and 1 on 1's or anything else that we need to do.

Maria avatar

Thanks for all the good advice. The visits aren't really one on one's - they are just giving us time to do our in-room assessments with our new residents. I want to disguise that I'm doing assessments (one the calendar anyway) by calling it something else; I was just needing a clever name for the calendar so I could block off that time for them. "Pop-ins" is cute. If anyone else has a clever name, just let me know. Thanks!

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Terrie Scott
Activity Director United States Flag
Terrie Scott

I just love this website. I feel like every time I get on here, I stay on forever. I am always finding something new to try out on our residents. Thank you!