
Lauren avatar
Lauren Lifestyle Assistant (in Training)

Hello all!

I'm in Adelaide and looking to do a 120 hour placement for my Cert IV in Leisure and Health, which I have studied though the Aust Medical Association. Would anyone have any suggestions of who might take me?

I already do lifestyle cover shifts in my current workplace (I'm a carer) and I really enjoy it! I'm hoping to do my placement as soon as possible so I can get started doing lifestyle on a regular basis.



Solange avatar

Hi Lauren! If you can’t get placement in your current facility I can give you some advice. Work experience placement starts with a few phone calls to the various care facilities. When calling state your qualification and offer your services. Usually what happens is that they send you an application form to fill in. Before going to an interview try to find out as much as possible all about the facility considering you for the position. Be prepared to answer questions such as Why do you want to work for this facility? What can you offer as far as leisure activities is concerned? (Think of convenient location, serene aspect or good reputation. What can you bring? commitment, enthusiasm, activity innovation). A positive attitude makes you stand out from the rest. Show genuine interest in the company as well as on the job. Good luck with your placement and welcome to the profession!

Lauren avatar
Lauren Lifestyle Assistant (in Training)

Hi Solange

Thank you so much for your comment and great advice!

I actually got two offers of placement during the week and I'm happy to be starting one on Monday!

I pretty much did exactly what you said, before I had even read your comment, so great minds must think alike!

Thanks again


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Michelle Adi
Activity Coordinator United States Flag
Michelle Adi

I get so excited whenever I find something new on Golden Carers! Thank you for making my job easier!