
Diane avatar

Hello everyone! I hope you are enjoying your summer. I need some help. I am an activity coordinator in a 50 bed seniors lodge. I have had quite a bit of success in the past two years finding a good line up of activities that attract a fair amount of residents. I am having problems getting people out for brain games though. Does anyone have suggestions on what I can call it instead? I feel they need more trivia and other thinking type games. What I do is 45 minutes to an hour doing a variety of things like Hidden Objects, Finish the sayings, Fun Riddles, Words that start with a certain letter etc. I have just gone over to the coloring table and done some of these unscheduled just to get some thinking it, but I feel that coloring itself is very therapeutic and don't really like interrupting that. Any ideas would be welcome. Thanks!

Molly avatar
Molly Activity Professional & Writer

Hi Diane! You are right brain games are so important. It sounds like you have a variety of options. Have you tried doing trivia right after exercise? I have found that I often have quite a lot of people come out for that and they are willing to stay a bit longer to do some "mind exercise" as well.

Solange avatar

Hi Diane, perhaps changing the name to ‘Brain Teasers’ would not intimidate prospective participants. Golden Carers has dozens of themed Trivia like Colour Trivia, Horse Trivia, Tie Trivia, Amazing Beer Trivia, Big Cats Trivia, and many more.

Congratulations, your concern for continuous improvement is admirable!!

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Georgia Sultana
Caregiver Australia Flag
Georgia Sultana

I just find Golden Carers fantastic. You are so up to date with the material you provide us with. Thank you so much for your efficiency and for all you teach us. Keep up the good work!