
Jessie avatar

Hi All, I have been asked to create an Auditing Tool for the Lifestyle Division. Our group has purchased x1 site and are building another, hence there will be x3 sites in all and I have been asked (and promoted) to look after all three.

I am seeking some sort of Auditing Tool that will give me a monthly snapshot of what is occurring for people eg - how many times during the month are they going to an activity - basically how to monitor the data then create a monthly report.

Any suggestions and assistance would be greatly welcomed.

Talita avatar

Hi Jessie, I believe this tool does exactly what you're talking about!

It tracks attendance and generates a multitude of relevant reports.

See what you think!

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Kim Davidson
Activity Officer Australia Flag
Kim Davidson

Golden Carers is just wonderful. An amazing resource shared all over the world. I use Golden carers on a daily basis and added with Pinterest, it just makes my job that little bit easier on those days when inspiration doesn't come easy. I love that there is always something new every time I look.