
Sherri avatar

Hello Golden Carers Members. I love the site. I have used many suggested activities.

I am reaching out for some help. I am writing my Capstone Project and will graduate in December with my Master's in Gerontology. My subject is called The Reading Circle. It is plain and simple as I take 4 residents once a week who are somewhere between completely shut down, to a person who doesn't speak to anyone but myself. This has been the absolute best possible thing I could have done for these residents.

I would like to know if someone could give me ideas for a new name for my project. My professor has told me, it is not professional enough. So if anyone would like to throw out a few examples, I would greatly appreciate it!

Thank you in advance!

Molly avatar
Molly Activity Professional & Writer

Hi Sherri, congratulations on your upcoming graduation, and best of luck on your Capstone! I guess I have a couple more questions about your project. In the Reading Circle, are you reading to them? How do they engage in the activity? Do they talk to each other or have you found that they open up during the activity?

Sherri avatar

Hi Molly. Yes, this is a read aloud program. Both of these ladies were non-verbal. One with Alzheimer's maybe stage 3 and the other, light dementia, but is aware of her surroundings. She had no spoken to anyone in so long. She would sit in her geri-chair, mouth wide open and either stare into space or sleep. I would feed her at lunch time and I would just talk with her about everyday things you would your spouse or children. One day, I asked her (not expecting an answer), would you like for me to read to you? She looked directly into my eyes and said, "Why yes! I would love that"! Yep, she got me hook line and sinker! I read to her as much as I possibly can and Saturday, I am taking her and a few residents (that don't ever get out to do anything, like going to Walmart and such) out on the bus for a one hour leaf looking tour. I hope to implement my program into local nursing homes and perhaps even larger!

I do ask them questions during the reading and after and I most of the time will get some type of answer, but they love the Chicken Soup for the Soul books!

Molly avatar
Molly Activity Professional & Writer

Chicken Soup for the Soul really is a great read our residents always love it, too! Sounds like your program does a great job at engaging resident's who wouldn't normally be involved. Is the program adaptable based on the resident's preference? I just love that because of your group you've been able to invite her to other activities, too!

How about:

Person-Centered Activity Interventions for Non-Verbal and Low Functioning Residents.


Small-Group Activities to Ensure Continued Engagement

Sally avatar

Our program similar to this is called a Community circle, it goes from 15-30 minutes depending on the success and size of group, mixed stages of cognitive decline sit together in a circle and they pick a topic from flash cards, before you know it they're communicating and reminiscing, I just sit back in wonder, and smile and listen to their wonderful life stories

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Bev Cohen
Activity Co-ordinator South Africa Flag
Bev Cohen

This is just the most amazing site and we just love using it. Thanks