
Marie avatar
Marie Care Home Assistant/Entertainments Organizer

Am new to my new role,as a entertainment co-ordinater.

It should be called "a ray of sunshine" co-ordinater!

Joined this site with the support of my Employer and what a wonderful thing!

Thank you!


Molly avatar
Molly Activity Professional & Writer

Congratulations on your new role, Marie! So happy to hear you've found Golden Carers. Welcome to the community!

Talita avatar

Congratulations Marie! I love your enthusiasm, it is a wonderful and noble profession! Thank you for kind words of feedback. All the best!

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Paula Sait
RLO / Resident Liaison Officer Australia Flag
Paula Sait

Thank you so much for this site I use this every month, I do a flyer of what's on each month for my facility and use all the wonderful ideas, quizzes, trivia and craft. It makes my job so much easier.