
Barbara avatar
Barbara occupational Therapy Assistant


I have been asked to look at starting a small in house shop at our aged care facility where most of the residents are medium to high care.

Does anyone one have any ideas on how to start this up?

Do you use a cash only basis or credit as many residents do not have cash on them.

What sort of items do you sell and how often would you have the shop open?

What have you seen as positives and negatives with having a shop?

I hope to hear some wonderful ideas to help me with this start up :)

Molly avatar
Molly Activity Professional & Writer

Hi Barbara, a shop sounds like a fun idea! I think you are right: Not all residents will have cash on hand, but if you advertise it to family members they may be willing to make sure their loved one has some petty cash on hand.

As for items in the shop: Magazines, fun snacks, and candies, puzzle books, lotions, shampoos, and other beauty care items could all be items I think your residents would enjoy having access too.

If you don't have a free standing room to designate as the shop you could use a push cart and make is a mobile shop!

I'd be interested to hear others thoughts on this, too.

Susan avatar

I have some question

What is the goal of having this kind of shop

Are the residents capable of understanding the concept of buying things or is this just to give them a choice one they don't have many choices left

Mixed in this link I things that others have done I don't know if that applies to you it is the comment from Kathy

If your goal is to have them keep busy with money here are some links to that

We never actually had a shop but there was talk of doing it and that's all it was talk

Shannon  avatar

We have opened a little store in our Retirement Home. The profit of the store goes to the Resident Council. I have two volunteers to run the shop which is opened two days a week.

It was important to me to have the store to give our residents a sense of Independence. The residents can buy what they want and not have to rely on other people. It makes for happier people. We do cash sales only.

Karen avatar

we have run both a small shop and a trolley, one of the extra bonuses is that you are able to connect with residents that may slip through the cracks, we stock our trolley by asking our residents what they would like to see on the trolley.

you may also want to run a trolley with a range of sensory products and small treats and call your program "the feel-good Fairy" a great way to engage in the room for those residents who are prone to social isolation, a great way to develop relationships and encourage residents to come to some of the larger programs, it also is a great second set of eyes to help the clinical staff.

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