
Tania avatar

This is such a great site. I've downloaded many activities and they are so different and provide us with such laughter and discussion.. It's good to know we can share ideas and what works and doesn't and see what people enjoy in different residences.

We have a large number of bed -bound residents and Respite /short stay as well as our permanent residents, and I've just downloaded your 'Portable Activities' to try to reach more people on a regular basis. Really looking forward to trying the ideas out.

Very inspiring. Keep up the great work

Talita avatar

Thanks so much for your feedback Tania!

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Nicole Pike
Adult Day Centre Program Coordinator Canada Flag
Nicole Pike

This site is amazing! I'm not sure how I survived before I was introduced to this! Something for every occasion! So many ways for the clients to reminisce and learn about new things. Well worth the membership fee. Thank you!