
Elisa avatar
Elisa Senior Activity Coordinator

Hello, I am looking at revamping the events plan at my home this year and would to have some Irish dancing or Irish music in March.

Is there anybody form Ireland that would now of who to ask? We are in Dublin.

Susan avatar

Hi Elisa

I am not from Ireland but I do have some suggestions

Perhaps there is a dance school in your area that teaches Irish step dancing

Another idea is to ask family members if any of their children go to dancing lessons

I have found that dance classes are always looking for a place to practice and a nursing home is ideal because the residents are very forgiving

Here are some more ideas for free entertainment and other free things that I have used

I hope this helps and I hope someone from Ireland helps you out as well

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Marilyn Willock-James
Activity Officer United Kingdom Flag
Marilyn Willock-James

Thank you for the resources provided on Golden Carers. I found them immensely valuable, relevant and worthwhile. Educational and updated information provided. Great activity ideas and suggestions. The activities presented are appropriate and can be adapted to different client groups in any English speaking country. It is easy to read and understand the instructions and explanations.