
Mary Lynn avatar

I'm the activities director at a Senior Day Center. We are only taking partial attendance so far so for the other clients still at home, I am sending fun activity packets to them (everything and I mean EVERYTHING I found here) I would like to insert a survey page in their packets. My question is do you have a link/template or any info where I can create a survey page to add to their packets. I would like their feed back on what they are receiving etc....Any help would be deeply appreciated. Thanks tons!!!!!

By the way, I am so crazy "addicted" to this incredible site :)

Solange avatar

Hi Mary Lyn, what a great activity! Thank you very much for the photos.

Susan avatar

Hi Mary

You will have to adapt the surveys to specifically what you want to know

You can start with this one

You could also use part of this one as well

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Mila Upston
Activities Assistant United Kingdom Flag
Mila Upston

Sincerely happy being a member to Golden Carers. The support and ideas on activities are marvellous. My residents love them.