
Gwyneth avatar

Hello everybody, I would like to thank all the Aged Care Workers - well everyone, for the wonderful work they are doing during this COVID 19 Pandemic. Being a volunteer myself (an old one) going to Day Care Centres and Aged Care Homes, I see the work you do - ADMIRABLE , I will say that again ADMIRABLE.

Again a Big Thank you, Take Care, Look after yourselves, and Keep Smiling,


Talita avatar

You are absolutely right Gwyneth. What troupers you all are. Thank you for the incredible work you do as a volunteer and for the wonderful activities you share with us. When everything goes back to normal we will have so man wonderful and nostalgic singalongs to enjoy in group settings!

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Sue Porter
Nurse Australia Flag
Sue Porter

Thank you Golden Carers, without you I don't know how we could possibly give our elderly treasures such a huge range of activities.