
Sarah avatar

Hi all,

I’ve been asked to think of items to keep in a room for a family member to sleep in if their relative is on end of life.

I’ve got inspirational quote packs, bible, prayer books, poem books.

Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Sarah x

Shelley avatar

music, cd player so they can play favorite music.

Susan avatar

Hi Shelley

A CD player with music is a great idea

Sara you may want to check this comment out

Ann avatar
Ann Lifestyle & Well-being Assistant

Tea and Coffee making facilities. Magazine. Word searches. Crosswords. Soduku.

Susan avatar

Good idea Ann

Melinda avatar
Melinda Client Outreach Coordinator

An oil burner or vaporiser with lavendar oil

Susan avatar

Melinda that’s another good idea

Tawny avatar

What about a list of suggestions on what they can do for their loved one. Some families feel the need to be doing something to feel useful. Lavender lotion for hand massages

Brush their hair

Toothettes for mouth care

Bring family photos to look through to go down memory lane.

Read to them

And a book of what to expect at the end of life’s journey.

A cozy blanket

Tooth brush

Gift certificate to local pizza place or cafeteria

Coffee, tea, bottled water, granola bars

We have a small kitchen island on wheels, with a keurig, that we stock with the above items and other things. It can be rolled right into any room.

Susan avatar

Hi Tawny

These are great ideas

Thank you

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Mary Lynn Byers
Activities Director United States Flag
Mary Lynn Byers

I just LOVE the multicultural section of this fabulous website. I work as a Activities Director at a day service facility and we are currently closed due to COVID! I am mailing/delivering personalized packages to our clients. We have clients of many different cultures and ethnic backgrounds. Adding pages of color-printed information from their country really brightens their day. The family members/care givers are delighted to see a spark in their loved ones eyes when they see and read about their history. I am becoming so educated myself learning all this. It will help me when we get back to work striking a spark in our clients eye when I reminisce with them about their culture. I seriously can NOT get enough of this fantastic site. xoxo :-)