
Monica avatar

I am looking for some easy dice games to play with my residents. They are a mix of high functioning to mid stage dementia

Patricia  avatar

I've played "Bunco" "Left, Right, Center," "Mexico" and "Going to Boston" with my residents with Dementia! Also incorporating dice into a game where each number corresponds with a trivia question, joke, get to know you question and a category for the game of scattegories can be fun with higher functioning folks!

Susan avatar

Hi Carol

Great suggestions

Thank you

Remember any of these suggestions can be modified so that everyone can play

Susan avatar

Hi Monica

Welcome to Golden carers

Thank you for being a member of this intelligent creative community

You can modify any of these dice games to meet the needs of your residents

I have done a version of them myself and they work out well

If you have questions on the specifics of any game or how to modify them for you group let me know

Card games also work well

Susan avatar

Hi Monica

The other thing I wanted to mention is that sometimes using a bigger die or dice is helpful

I bought mine at the dollar store but they also sell them at Oriental Trading

Gwyneth avatar

Hello Monica, You are looking for dice games. At our Day Care Centre we play the game called "Draw the beetle" it is an easy fun game, can be played and enjoyed by all ages. You will find details of how to play this game under - Member Activities, Games and Trivia. Look for the dice in a circle. Hope you enjoy the game as much as ours do. Gwyneth

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