
Lowana avatar
Lowana Leisure & Lifestyle Manager

With the Corona Virus restrictions easing, we are now allowed to take residents on outings in Qld Australia. I have many question on this! Do we social distance on the bus? Do we only go to outdoor places? Is there a capped number if we go to an indoor venue? I cant seem to find any further info other than 'Residents are now allowed to go on outings'

Can anyone assist?

Susan avatar

Hi Lowana

I would contact the government and find out what they recommend

I do not live in Australia

Let us know what you find out


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Geeta Limbu
Senior Carer United Kingdom Flag
Geeta Limbu

I can't thank Golden Carers enough for all the ideas and tips being launched regularly. I am so glad I became a member of this site and can bring smiles and joy to my clients. Now more laughter and giggles will spread in the AIR!!