
Linda avatar

Some time ago I submitted here on Golden Carers cotton growing in memory support areas of aged care, as a tactile experience and ongoing long term gardening activity.

I wonder how your project has developed for you, that took on this project within your facility?

We here at Palm Lake Care have pruned our cotton stems to include the cotton balls on them, you may have noticed florists at present are selling dried cotton stems for $35-00 a stem as part of floral arrangements or to stand in a vase on display.

I have sourced, outlet nearby that are willing to purchase our dried stems and this money will be used to fund future cultural days resources, needed

Good Luck, with your Entrepreneurial skills!

Linda Riedel Lifestyle Coordinator

Susan avatar

Hi Linda

It sounds like you are doing a great thing and very creative

It’s great that you were able to raise some money as well

Thank you for sharing this

Linda avatar

I like to create activities that have a good length of time to create repetitive daily activities, habits for memory support residents who like the familiar everyday tasks

It also encourages the use of thier motor skills watering plants, raking leaves, sweeping. Moving now into autumn the weather is lovely and encourages outdoor activities

Linda Riedel

Lifestyle coordinator

Susan avatar

Hi Linda

Great thanking

Thank you for sharing

The residents you serve are very lucky to have you

Linda avatar

Susan thank you for your encouraging comment


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Karen Dries
Manager Australia Flag
Karen Dries

This website has been amazing, so helpful and interesting. Thank you for all your wonderful ideas over the years. All the best for 2019!