
Darla avatar
Darla Recreation and Rehab Manager

Greetings. This afternoon we hold our Volunteer Appreciation in our care home and village. I would like to thank Golden Carers for a sample Heartfelt Thank You Speech as a guideline for my presentation of thank you gifts for our Valued Volunteers.

It has been a difficult couple of years with limited activities, and mainly our family members stepped up to Volunteer their time while visiting their loved ones. And we are honored and appreciate all the work and efforts from our independent seniors in our village to share their talents and skills to support our programs during this time.

Thank you again Golden Carers for providing us with guidance and support.

Darla Spiry

Susan avatar

Hi Darla

Thank you for your kind words and inspiration

I agree that it’s very important to honor your volunteers

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Raewyn Stollery
Diversional Therapist United Kingdom Flag
Raewyn Stollery

Thank you for all the wonderful ideas. Never disappointed when looking for inspiration when logging on to Golden Carers. We are so fortunate to have access to so many different ideas to use on a daily basis. Cannot thank you all enough for the wonderful work you do putting all those resources at our fingertips.