
Katja avatar
Katja Recreation Activiites Officer

Does anybody have an outing policy/procedure so I could have a bit of an outline in how to set one up for my facility. Mine seems to be a bit out-dated.....

Solange avatar

Hi Katja, Golden Carers has a couple of documents regarding Community Bus Outing, take a look at these links and see if it can help you. All the best.

Catalina M avatar

Thank You Its a big help Love you

all programs dedicate to our Senior.

You have my work lovely enjoyable and fun for them and myself.

Sally avatar

Does anyone have a form for extra charges to be billed for outings

Susan avatar

Hi Kimberly

I think you can adapt and modify this form because you probably will need the other information included in this form

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Traci Pareti
Activity Consultant United States Flag
Traci Pareti

I have been sharing your resource information with my clients. Your customer service is truly exemplary.