
Taryn avatar

Hi I work in community aged care and was wondering how everyone gets around copy right laws with playing dvds and documentaries etc?

Josephine avatar

Hi Taryn,

I usually go to YouTube. You can download free downloading software for YouTube. I have found that if the documentary or image or song is overwritten by copywrite laws you are unable to download.

I have put together a few sensory themed DVD's that come with beautiful music as both imagery and music is great for Dementia.


Natasha avatar

Hi Josephine,

Which downloading software do you use?

Greatly appreciated,


Josephine avatar

Hi Natasha,

Just google Free Youtube Downloads and a few will come up, I went to

I am not a techno phobe however I was able to do this. If you go onto Youtube itself and type in how to download youtube videos, some very technical and smart people have made a video of how to do it. They can even show you how to just utilise the music only too. I am a visual sort of person and Youtube has become my new tutorial ! Good luck with it.

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Meg Schwarz
Project Officer Australia Flag
Meg Schwarz

I really love your website. I still find it incredulous that this site exists. I know how hard it must be for our Lifestyle teams to keep coming up with ideas and activities and to now have found this site - WOW. I really do think it says a lot about the immense value of community collaboration - because this site is about that! so I am immensely proud that people, especially older people, may be benefitting from this wonderful resource all over the world.