
Kaye  avatar

Hi all, i was wondering if anyone could help me out, Im trying to put together a sensory box, my problem being Im not sure what sort of things to put into this box, would be greatful for any suggestions ....

Thank You

Judy avatar

For ladies I had great response from a large sewing box filled with pieces of fabric and lace,elastic,braid etc one lady tidied up all the fabrics and told me a story about each one,this is the lace from my mums wedding petticot,this bolt of elastic I used when making my childrens underwear,this was the coat fabric from my sisters best winter coat.She had a story about everything in the sewing box although she had not had anything to do with the fabrics prior,it was magic.She was happy to feel,sort and tidy this box with company,but it was most helpfull when I left in the afternoon.Sensory box could be fabrics,smelly soaps,tinkly bell etc.mens box bolts,nuts,screws,sandpaper,large buttons,small screwtop plastic jars,small tools.pieces of dowl.timber,garden fittings,etc. Hope this helps Judy

Rosina avatar

I always find sea shells, pine cones & leaves are great as well these are renewable items and can change with the seasons, lavender and different types of flowers and herbs, also xmas decorations bells tinsel coming up to December you could have seasonal boxes and write up what can go in them to help staff hope this has been helpful

Michelle avatar


We have a few boxes, one is a sewing box (no needles and scisors) things include elastic, shoulder pads, threads, thimbles, pin cushion etc all kept in an old sewing box.

I also have a handbag that has the contents of a handbag! lipstic, compact mirror, handkerchief, a fan, a purse, note book & pen etc.

We also have set up a jewellery box with lots of different "jewels" in it. These pieces all came from garage sales and op shops and on occasions, a residnet will take a fancy to a piece of jewellery. No big drama, if it ends up in their room so be it. None of it is precious. This box though is highly supervised due to the small bits and pieces that could come off (beads, pearls). This is very successful with the ladies.

For the men, I have a fishing tackle box with bits and pices (no hooks)

A fabric box with all different types of fabric that can be touched, felt, scrunched, flattened, folded etc.

I also have set up a kitchen utensil box with odds and sods found in op shops.

None of these need be expensive, and put a call out to families and staff. Most people are happy to be on the look out for their relatives.

Good Luck!

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