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Therapy AssistantMeg Schwarz
I really love your website. I still find it incredulous that this site exists. I know how hard it must be for our Lifestyle teams to keep coming up with ideas and activities and to now have found this site - WOW. I really do think it says a lot about the immense value of community collaboration - because this site is about that! so I am immensely proud that people, especially older people, may be benefitting from this wonderful resource all over the world.
Hi... I'm looking for ideas to make seasonal table centre pieces in our dining room to orientate residents to the seasons for our facility.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Hi ,
I have an idea that works at our centre. Photographic back drops are available on ebay. They are large prints that are made of plastic and I have brought them for summer (beach theme), Spring ( Flowers in blossom), Autumn ( trees losing their leaves) winter ( snow). They are very large and fill a wall approx. $30.00 each. Well worth the price as they will last a life time.
Hope that helps Debbie
Hi Lee-Ann, we do not make table centres as most of our residents tend to pull them apart, however we do decorate the dining room for each season and themes. We have made daffodils - making petal shaped outline with bright or patterned wrapping paper and then stick one of those small muffin paper cake linings in the middle (did that make sense?) - then hang them like bunting and dot the flowers around the windows/walls. Have gathered beautiful colored Autumn leaves, laminated, cut out and used these as hangings cascading down, when stringed together. We have also made triangle bunting flags - with images pasted on both sides- images downloaded from internet. Paper chains, in green and gold for Australia Day and then we have cut out Australian animal shapes and hung these from the paper chains. We did have a men's shed assist with cut out wooden horses with stands for us which we then painted and use as decorations for Spring Racing Carnival. We have made giant rainbows, use card board and cut and glue together in an arch - either paint or scrunch tissue paper in the colors and then glue in rows. We have had our students help out with these crafts. Have a look on the internet, some primary school craft sites have easy crafts to make. Of course it is dependant on your residents skills. Hope this helps
I always decorate the activity board each season. Eg snowflakes around for winter, autumn leaves, flowers for spring and a big sun for summer. I have also made a laminated puzzle that changes with the seasons. A bare tree and green leaves for summer, pink flowers for spring, and autumn leaves for autumn. Laminate and place Blu Tac on the back.
Thanks everyone.
These are great ideas.