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Sara Lifestyle Enrichment Coordinator

Halloween Bingo

Halloween Bingo
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“I love all of your creative ideas! Thank you very much!”

Margaret Bossemeyer, Retired Teacher

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Alex avatar

We had a great time with Halloween Bingo this week! The group was very taken with the cute pictures. Thanks for creating these resources, Sara.

Eileen avatar

I call regular bingo and to break it up a bit I use your bingo picture games. My residents love it and look forward to it.

Talita avatar

Thanks for your feedback Eileen! Sara makes amazing picture games!

Darlene avatar

This looks like a great game. Let me get this right though....you call the cards until someone gets 4 in a row either across, down or diagonally. Is this correct? I will probably have about 25 players. How long do you think this game will last with that many players? Just trying to fill my time accordingly. Thanks for all the great ideas!

Valerie  avatar

Just a wonderful idea!


Genaro avatar

This was a great bingo game, we just played it today & everybody loves it!

Thanks for posting it!

Kath avatar

I am planning to play Halloween bingo with my residents and I thought that if they get a line I could have a box with different gifts wrapped up individually which they can choose, It will be a trick or treat box which will be just for fun. would like to say thank you to golden carers you all give us so much information and ideas.

Elaine  avatar

I printed this off last week and laminated the cards. I have to say it really was a great success. Some of my residents can manage the picture games much better than ones with numbers. It made a great talking point afterwards. We will be playing this throughout October. It was fab!

Julie avatar

How are you suppose to play it??


Talita avatar

Hi Julie, if you print off this game you will see that the last pages contain the calling cards that you should use instead of numbers. You don't need bingo balls for this game, just use the cards provided.

Angie avatar

Ive dowloaded the Halloween Bingo for our residents . I have a few regular bingo players. Im sure your picture halloween version will enable more to join in .

Thank you so much Sara

Meagan avatar

Thank you for this!!

Mandy  avatar

I am going to play Halloween Bingo with my residents. They love Bingo, so this will be different for them. Also printed the Halloween quizzes too. Some great ideas so glad I joined! It is hard at times to find different activities to do that residents will enjoy! Thank you!

Talita avatar

Thanks so much for your feedback Mandy!

Talita avatar

Thank you Sara! Another beautiful Bingo game!

Sara avatar
Sara Lifestyle Enrichment Coordinator

A new activity has been posted by a Golden Carers member: Halloween Bingo

Koala Keno


Picture Matching Bingo


Card Bingo


Word Bingo

18 4