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Carole Chairperson

Quirky Quiz - Powerpoint

Quirky Quiz - Powerpoint Quirky Quiz - Powerpoint
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Owen avatar

Quirky Quizzes

I gathered the Quirky Quiz questions from many places, mostly from the various Golden Carers sites, and converted some of the more newsy statements into querty quiz question form, putting up to 30 of them into a one A4 page question numbered list with answer format that could be used as a Quirky Quiz session or time filler. There are many words with double meanings or which can be pronounced differently with a change of one or two letters that can be made into a querty question. I will convert what I have done into PDF from Publisher for you since you are interested.


Talita avatar

This sounds wonderful Owen! We would love for you to share it with us. Thank you!

Susan avatar

Thank you for your wonderful ideas Owen

I am glad you are enjoying the quizzes

If you have some you made up that you want to share we would love to see them

Thanks again

Owen avatar

My fellow residents loved these Quirky Quizzes which I collected from your Golden Carers site and made up some of my own, The very Seniors especially managed to think outside the square and come up with some good alternative answers as well as the right ones.

Good show


Carole avatar

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