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Things Your Mother Told You Reminiscing

Things Your Mother Told You Reminiscing
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Michelle avatar
Michelle Social Opportunities Director

Lovely activity --thank you for the suggestion!

Jenny avatar

Hello Louisa,

Most of these sayings were said by my mother to her 5 children growing up in the 50's, 60's and 70's.

A few others that still get quoted among my siblings today are:

* Elbows off the table!

* If you can't say anything good about a person don't say anything at all.

* Let the visitors eat first

* If that's lunch we've had it!

* Night night! God Bless.

Matt avatar

Aw, it's special when we pass things down through the generations :o)

Gwyneth avatar

Hello Louisa, you must have lived in our house, I'm Welsh, my mam said most of those sayings to us when we were growing up, lovely, and I have used them to my children, to my grand children, and my grandchildren have passed them on to their children, my great grand children, what a lovely memory. Thanks for the memory. Gwyneth

Matt avatar

A new activity has been posted by a Golden Carers member: Things your mother told you