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Karin Activities & Volunteer Coordinator

Winter Olympic Games Morning

Winter Olympic Games Morning
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Joanne avatar

thanks for the great ideas, we shall be doing these on our Winter Olympic day. We will also do "ice dancing" - A chair dancing routine to russian music.


Maria avatar

great idea, the snowman! we have 4 wings all high care residents and it will be a competition to involve staff if the colour teams will be 4 wings A-B-C-D. Thank you Linda

Linda avatar

great ideas :) We are having a snowman building competition... we will have three rubbish bin liners (white) filled to various levels with shredded paper and tied up, we have buttons for the front, craft eyes and cardboard nose to stick on, along with a hat and a scarf. It will be a race for our residents to build a snowman and stick it together using only sticky tape!

Dawn avatar

Great ideas

Karin avatar
Karin Activities & Volunteer Coordinator

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