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Diversional TherapistJanaya Scholten
A colleague referred this resource to assist in implementing our activities program many years ago. I felt, I had struck 'gold.' It has been immeasurable in assisting to provide new material and ideas to stimulate our clients. I will be a member for my working life. Thank you!
Advice needed please!
Hi everyone, I'm a Diversional Therapist (qualified since July 2017) at a small rest home and hospital. I have been asked to write a summary of my role for the other staff to read and I'm stuck. I want to word it so that it sounds positive and all inclusive (like I'm part of the "team") but I do need to outline certain care-giving jobs that I don't do (i.e. toilet a resident when we are at our facility etc.). Has anyone else done this and how do I summarize a role which is so varied and under development? (We are currently in two separate buildings operating under the same organisation and are moving into a new premises in the next couple of years)
Thank you!
Hi Marissa, explain that your job is to enhance the overall quality of life of residents, make sure they engage with the larger community, rekindle past hobbies, inform, educate, and entertain.
Planning and coordinating the Activity Program is intense and laborious but you are passionate about your career choice, you want to provide residents with the best creative and fun activities.
The biggest challenge in your job is time. There are not enough hours in your shift to do what you would like to: planning activities, meetings, supervising volunteers, seeking suitable trips, fostering new staff. Tell them you would appreciate their help and give some examples:
- welcoming residents’ relatives to the facility
- escorting them to the recreation room
- assisting with toilet trips
- on entering resident rooms ask sincerely to see a photo of the latest grandchild or graduation of a relative.
Working as a team you can make a difference.
Thank you Solange, that is spot on!
Hi Marissa, you are welcome!