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Lifestyle Manly
LifestyleAmanda Mitchell
Activity Coordinator
You have been such a valuable asset to my work. I love this site and I use it a lot. I tell all other activities coordinators about it. Thankyou.
Hi everyone, I'm based in Sydney and looking for recommendations for performers to come to our aged care facility. I would appreciate any contacts, cheers, Carla
Hi Carla,
Here's a list of people I've had perform at our facility (all Sydney based) and their contact details.
Max Cowdroy 0427 674 449
Rochelle 'show ponies' show 0412 601 021
Ron and Ros Light Jazz: [email protected]
Tim Berthet 0411 081 422
Dane William the Magician 0434 497 411
Annette van Roden 0417 267 675
John McQue 0400 045 721
Ben: [email protected]
Viva the Duo: [email protected]
Greg Dimmock: [email protected]
Dagmar Sagar: AM4U Singers For Events (Down Memory lane and Elvis) 0423 157 340
Wish I lived in Sydney (for many reasons, actually) so I could use this great list!
Another suggestion is to send an email invitation to schools, churches, community clubs, etc. at the "beginning" of their year (August/September for us here in the US) and encourage teachers, pastors, and leaders to consider your facility when looking for rehearsal or gathering spaces. For example, I send an email to the secretary of our local college's music department, who forwards my message to all faculty. I usually say something to the effect of "If you have a student or group who would like to rehearse before an audition or recital, please consider our facility!" I usually get 5-7 concerts per year this way. Community clubs who need a meeting space have also agreed to give a presentation or talk for our tenants in exchange for using our meeting room in the evenings.
You could also try the Mirrabooka Singers. Call Doreen on 98721030. Meera Belle is fantastic and does a beautiful Karen Carpenter tribute concert and has performed for our Christmas parties. Her number is 0406512162.