
Lyn avatar
Lyn Student/Activities coordinater

Hi everyone, I am a member and an activity coordinator at a 45 bed facility in Victoria. I would like to have an activity with the theme of Labor Day, what is everyone’s thoughts! All I can come up with is some protest signs to have an 8 hour working day, 8 hour rest and 8 hour sleep signs posted around the facility.

Solange avatar

Hi Lyn, here are some Labour Day activities that may be helpful!

Lyn avatar
Lyn Student/Activities coordinater

ThanksSolange, that’s good for a sing a long.


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Susan Winiecki
Director of Activities United States Flag
Susan Winiecki

Golden Carers is AMAZING! We use it every day in one capacity or another. It has assisted to make our jobs easier as well as stepping up our activities! Thank you for all the materials and resources, keep up the GREAT work!