
Joanne  avatar

I have just been told by management that I need to print out a 'step by step' guide on how to run each and every activity we do. This sounds very time consuming to me so just wondering if anyone uses a template or form for this or has any suggestions on how I could achieve this.

Susan avatar

I do not have a template

But use the ideas on page 14 of this presentation on golden Carers

Do you need to include the object of the activity and preparation for the activity or just instructions ??

This does seem like a huge task so break it down

You can come up with your own format

If you use Microsoft word you can copy and paste many things because there are similar instructions for many activities

Perhaps you can get help from some of your staff also

Solange avatar

Hi Joanne, yes, that is usually the policy of many care organizations. Take a look at the ‘Work Instructions & Procedures’ on this link for a few ideas:

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Nectaria Berry
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Nectaria Berry

I absolutely love this site. It is so resourceful. Thank you!