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Diversional TherapistJudith Prince
You're quite the special angel here to assist everyone. It takes a special kind of person to deal with seniors - they are not given the respect or credit they so deserve to have lasted this long on this earth. To have witnessed such history is amazing. So many are forgotten about and I try everyday to share RAOKs (Random Acts of Kindness) with any person I see that could use it - thank you again for the great ideas which I hope to spread around the area to help make others know how special they are.
Hi can someone share Diversional therapy care plan please .
There are some great articles on how to write a care plan on golden carers
If you need more help let me know
Writing a diversional therapy care plan starts with what you know about your resident/person you are writing it for. It is about finding out about what their passions were earlier in life, what or where their thoughts tend to center or surround now, and then what their functional abilities are now. It helps if you are able to involve family and friends in the history gathering process. They are the best folks to tell you all about the person. Then you interview the person to find out what is important to them, what they would like to see happen for them at their stage in life, and their goals for the rest of their life. Then interview others, if any, who are involved in their care, what they have witnessed, seen or heard from or of the resident while they go throughout their day. The person may be different at night than they are during the day. Then you get creative with your co-workers. Plan can be initially rough-drafted by one individual. Then meet with a group and fine-tune it, bringing out any and all ideas from the group. A lot of times the care plan templates are built into the electronic documentation software your company purchases for your facility. So writing care plans from scratch has gotten to be a forgotten science in some sense of the word. The process never changes. Make sure your goals are SMART goals. Here again, our care plans get reviewed every 90 days to ensure they are kept up-to-date with the changes in the resident as they happen/occur. Some facilities just have electronic care plans. Others have paper, and there are even some that have both. Interventions should be simple with common language to keep them understandable by all. Abbreviations can be ambiguous to some readers. Diversional is also known as behavioral. Sundowning is just one behavior. There are many. Resistance to care is another behavior. So do not pass up this website's resources ( Search for alternative words in the search window if you cannot find any results for diversional. We try to go with wherever the resident is instead of trying to reorient them into our reality. Be their daughter or family member, or fit yourself into their reality in whatever scenario they are living in that moment, and then talk them through it, calming them in whatever way you can. Some care plans have more than one goal. Each goal should have interventions to get you to the goal from where you or the individual are now. The goals are developed from where the resident would like to go with their life, what they would like to do, what they would like to achieve, what they wish for, etc. I recently had a resident who is on oxygen and is healing a wound on her foot share with me that her biggest health issue was her weight. I had asked her what she felt her biggest health issue to overcome was. Turns out her weight had been her lifelong problem. She did not see the wound or her breathing as larger issues than her weight. It was an eye-opener for me. This was a lot more information than I thought I would share, actually. Hope it helps. If you have questions, please reach out (email). I will see if I can download a care plan template, or scan one into my computer and save it as a file so I can send you a link. We recently had a cyber attack and had to develop some templates for acute care, so I should still have one somewhere handy.