
Delia avatar

Hi I'm so glad I found this forum. I'm taking a course on Assessment Techniques in Therapeutic Recreation. I really don't know of many people I can discus my coursework with. I was wondering if anyone would be willing to answer some questions for an assignment I have. I just need a short interview. Basically which assessment tool is used in the facility you work? The population, the length of stay, number of patients, and frequency of admission?

Susan avatar

Hi Delia

I hope others will help to you with this

I used to work at a nursing home that had 120 residents

The facility I worked for had their own assessment form which I cannot share

They actually had 15 other homes that all used the same forms

I would say 80% of the residents a long term and an assessment is done every year and reviewed quarterly

The other residents were short term and had rehab

Which could last anywhere from a few days to 100 days and then they turned into long-term care if that was the case

They tried to get as many admissions as possible usually a few a week but the more they get the more they made so they wanted as many as possible

I hope this helps and I hope others will help you also

Let me know if there’s any other questions you have for me to answer

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Nicole Pike
Adult Day Centre Program Coordinator Canada Flag
Nicole Pike

This site is amazing! I'm not sure how I survived before I was introduced to this! Something for every occasion! So many ways for the clients to reminisce and learn about new things. Well worth the membership fee. Thank you!