
Julie avatar

I am trying to find an easy to use platform so that I can stay connected with residents in their units.

Some apps, such as WhatsApp, have a limit of just 4 or 6 users. Others, such as Zoom, are really quite complicated to join.

Is anyone aware of an app which is easy to log in and allows up to 10 users to participate?

I am trying to find ways to run exercise classes, trivia, hangman and other word games on the whiteboard with residents who reside in their own villas, while I am confined to the Community Centre. I would appreciate any suggestions - apps you have found useful.

Susan avatar

Hi Julie

It seems like conference now may work but I have not tried that

I have tried several teleconference sites that just are voices and not pictures of people but you could still do activities over the phone

It depends what the capabilities of your residents are

I used to do activities by telephone

We did bingo which was a lot of fun but you have to make sure everyone has a bingo card and something to my car with

It also depends on what type of phones your residents can use

You may want to ask this question to our Facebook group

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Lesley Dalitz
Recreation Therapist Australia Flag
Lesley Dalitz

I love Golden Carers it is a fabulous resource. It has made my life so much easier, so that in turn does wonders for my clients. The work that you put in to helping us all is wonderful please don’t give up.

Is it worth the money? You betcha it is. My clients love the quizzes and we have many laughs and it opens up many a thoughtful discussion on life as an older person. I thank you so much when l am stuck for ideas l just jump onto GOLDEN CARERS. Have a great day and keep up the great work.