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Activities CoordinatorAnna Metalle
Trainee Manager
The activities on this site are truly amazing. It is great as well that you have the option to make your own activities and share these with others. This website has been tremendously helpful. Our residents especially love the bingo's and hangman. It has also allowed us to complete activities that we may not have thought about before. Thank you so much love this website!
Our residents have dementia, our lounge is really 'well' decorated with paper chains, mobiles and other odds and ends of random craft work. does anyone have any information regarding how this will effect the dementia residents? Initially the aim was to brighten up the room but if a busy, noisy room is difficult for residents who are cognitively impaired will all these random decorations effect them in the same way? Looking forward to your views. Thank you.
Hi Jean
I am not sure this will affect the residents especially if they have a connection to them
I think you will have to bring the residents to this room and see how they are affected
If too many are then I guess you will have to remove some of the decorations
You can see if the residents want to reminisce about the decorations
Remember not to ask questions but instead say tell me about it
Hi, Jean. If you deem the room has too many colours, definitely take some off. In fact, it is nice to have the recreation area cleaned out occasionally and replaced by another craft. For future consideration remember that research studies indicate that residents living with dementia assimilate the colours red, blue and green better than others.
Some of the residents comment saying that we are late taking down the decorations, they think that they were put up for Christmas or a party whilst others just don't appear to see them any more. They have been up since before Easter and have accumulated. I display items that have been made by the residents for about a week then remove them, the residents can not remember making them or participating. I find it 'too'much but it is not what I want it is what the residents benefit from and that is why I was looking for other points of view. It consists of paper chains, mobiles bunches of dry plants and grasses etc and I am sure the residents did benefit in a sensory/spiritual way when tying them up initially but perhaps they should be moved on now?
Hi Jean
You know the residents and your facility best So do what you think is appropriate