
Jeannie avatar
Jeannie Life Enrichment Coordinator

I was hesitant at first to sign up for another website for activities, but I have been pleasantly surprised. It has been fun to search all you have to offer and during Covid-19 your site has helped me and our other Life Enrichment Coordinator so much. Thank you for all you do!

Susan avatar

Hi Jeannie

Thank you for your kind words

I think this website is so much better than other activity websites

There are always new ideas and the forum answers questions for members

If you have an idea you want to share with the other members please do

Also Feel free to ask questions because like you we have many intelligent creative members who love to share their ideas

Talita avatar

Thank you so much for your feedback Jeannie, we appreciate this so much! All the best!

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Gloria Clarke
Diversional Therapist Australia Flag
Gloria Clarke

Thank you for many years of wonderful ideas that you have given me through Golden Carers. Your ideas and opportunities for networking with other activities people have been a great resource for me to access. Wishing your wonderful organisation all the best.