
Belinda avatar
Belinda Leisure & Lifestyle Coordinator

Footy Tipping- This year with the AFL we decided to do our tipping without money being the games were unpredictable with Covid. Usually the Winners would receive their prizes in cash value. I'm stuck on what to give out as prizes for the 4 Men who Won? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

Susan avatar

Hi Belinda

You could get Some gifts that the residents would buy with money

You could give them a catalog and see if there’s anything they might want in it

You can always ask the residents what they might want

Here are some gift ideas and Golden Carers

Not all these gifts are appropriate but it should give you some ideas

Belinda avatar
Belinda Leisure & Lifestyle Coordinator

Thank you:-)

Erica avatar

What about a Tattslotto ticket or a Scratchie ticket?

Susan avatar

Also good ideas Erica

Thank you

Belinda avatar
Belinda Leisure & Lifestyle Coordinator

Great Idea

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