
Barb avatar

I am always looking for ideas for the few men we have. Thank you, can't wait to try some!

Darcy avatar

Hi Barb,

Do you have a mens shed or place men can go to talk, drink a beer and tinker with tools, Maybe build models and paint them

How about re staining a wooden table from outside?

Oiling saddles?

Sanding wood etc with paper and the blocks

Remote control car racing

Best NFL passes with nibbles

Just look at what they have dine in the past and previous hobbies

Susan avatar

Hi Darcy

This sounds like a good idea

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Diane Mccuish
Recreation Team Leader New Zealand Flag
Diane Mccuish

Thank you so much for allowing us to share all the wonderful ideas that are on Golden Carers. It is so helpful, inspiring and they give our residents so much fun and the feeling of achievement once we have completed them. It is great that we can spread the days out and do a lot over time rather than in one session. THANK YOU ALL