
Marady  avatar

Hi! New to my position in Activities and new to Golden Carers!

At our facility we have orientation for our new hires- each department head discusses our department- was wondering what fun things other facilities do at their orientations to make it more fun and interesting!

Susan avatar

Hi Marady

Have you seen this article?

I liked to reserve the fun things when I know they orientees are going to work out

This article may help you also

Bobbie avatar

Hello Marady,

I am in the same position as you, new to the Lesure and Lifestyle role, I have found a few things through this site and on the web, I have just introduced , balloon tennis (fly swats and balloons) our residents love this, as well as Ball drums, large exercise balls in a basket and music they can hit the beat too.

I have just purchased a set of three dice and looking for ideas, the dice are large around 12 inches square.

have fun Bobbie

Jen avatar
Jen Activities, Social Day Program, Life Enrichment

Where did you purchase your baskets and balls? I have a very slim budget and would love to incorporate this!

Susan avatar

Hi Marady

Can you help Jan out?

I’d like purchasing things at dollar tree or another dollar type store

Also, Oriental Trading has some good buys

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Janaya Scholten
OTA Australia Flag
Janaya Scholten

A colleague referred this resource to assist in implementing our activities program many years ago. I felt, I had struck 'gold.' It has been immeasurable in assisting to provide new material and ideas to stimulate our clients. I will be a member for my working life. Thank you!